Career Thursday: Marine Biologist – Insert 1

Insert Previews: YOTV

For Career Thursday we take a look at being a Marine Biologist and the many disciplines involved in marine science.

1. Sisanda: Marine scientist: Cape Research Centre SANParks

Copyright: © YOTV and SABC

Career Thursday: Marine Biologist – Insert 2

Insert Previews: YOTV

For Career Thursday we take a look at being a Marine Biologist and the many disciplines involved in marine science.

1. Sisanda: Marine scientist: Cape Research Centre SANParks

Copyright: © YOTV and SABC

Ocean Mapping Expedition

Insert Previews: YOTV

The Ocean Mapping Expedition is a 4-year journey around the world on the 33m-long Swiss ketch Fleur de Passion that set sail from Seville in 2015 to map the oceans in various scientific programs. The  Fleur de Passion lay at berth at the V&A Waterfront from where she was the focal point of a wide range of free public outreach activities to share the spirit and achievements of the Ocean Mapping expedition. The mapping involved noise and micro-plastic pollution of the oceans, observations of coral bleaching due to global warming and monitoring greenhouse gases on the surface of the oceans – a unique expedition combining science, education and culture.
1. Samuel: Vice President: Fondation Pacifique
2. Dinilesizwe: Waves for Change – Khayalitsha
3. Nkululeko: Waves for Change – Khayalitsha
4. Asiphe: Waves for Change – Khayalitsha

Copyright: © YOTV and SABC

Launch: Life Begins after Coffee – Insert 1

Insert Previews: YOTV

On World Down’s Syndrome Day, 21st March 2019; YOTV attended the launch of a ground-breaking SABC 2 television series that talks to non-disabled people’s conscious and unconscious prejudices towards persons with disabilities. It is raw. It is heartfelt. It is a real life documentary series with 6 differently abled cast members.  Let’s have a look at this 2 part insert of the launch of Life Begins after Coffee…

Copyright: © YOTV and SABC

1. Anthony Wayment-Nel: Executive Producer – The TVSMITHS.
2. Morgen Briel: Brownies & DownieS – Cast member: “Life Begins After Coffee”.
3. Lesego Modutle: Hosting Facilitator – “Life Begins After Coffee”.
4. Devan Roux: Brownies & DownieS – Cast member: “Life Begins After Coffee”.
5. Marietta Rooi: I Love Coffee shop – Cast member: “Life Begins After Coffee”.

Launch: Life Begins after Coffee – Insert 2

Insert Previews: YOTV

On World Down’s Syndrome Day, 21st March 2019; YOTV attended the launch of a ground-breaking SABC 2 television series that talks to non-disabled people’s conscious and unconscious prejudices towards persons with disabilities. It is raw. It is heartfelt. It is a real life documentary series with 6 differently abled cast members.  Let’s have a look at this 2 part insert of the launch of Life Begins after Coffee…

Copyright: © YOTV and SABC

1. Anthony Wayment-Nel: Executive Producer – The TVSMITHS.
2. Lesego Modutle: Hosting Facilitator – “Life Begins After Coffee”.
3. Marietta Rooi: I Love Coffee shop – Cast member: “Life Begins After Coffee”.
4. Devan Roux: Brownies & DownieS – Cast member: “Life Begins After Coffee”.
