Shark Catching

Insert Previews: YOTV

RX Date: 3rd-4th March 2009 / March 4, 2009

I accompanied the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town, South Africa on a Shark Release and Shark Catching trip off the coast of Struisbaai, South Africa.

The Two Oceans Aquarium released two Ragged Tooth Sharks, Sam and Roy.

Then it was time to go fishing to catch juvenile Ragged Tooth Sharks to take back to the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town for the I&J Predator Exhibition Tank.

Rough seas had me and the captain begging for solid shore!

A trip I wouldn’t like to repeat!

Copyright: © YOTV and SABC

SAM and ROY: Shark Release

Insert Previews: YOTV

RX Date: 3rd-4th March 2009 / March 3, 2009

I accompanied the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town, South Africa on a Shark Release and Shark Catching trip off the coast of Struisbaai, South Africa.

The Two Oceans Aquarium released two Ragged Tooth Sharks, Sam and Roy, that was resident in the I&J Predator Exhibition at the Two Oceans Aquarium.

It was my first Shark Release experience forever embedded in my memories.

I was amazed when I found a tooth that was left behind in the transfer tank. The ragged tooth was pinkish in colour, which indicates that the tooth was freshly shed from the shark. The tooth changed to white after a few hours.

The next day we went catching Ragged tooth Sharks on a very rough sea!

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Copyright: © YOTV and SABC
